Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Too Clumsy for My Chainsaw, Too Clumsy for My Chainsaw. So Clumsy It Hurts.

I am accident prone. This is no secret. Since I have been in AmeriCorps the following incidents have occurred:
  • Knocking 1 speaker off of a pool house while atop 7 foot scaffolding
  • Power washing a 6 inch hole through a window screen
  • Almost flipping a City of Vinton truck down a hill (while inside)
  • Incurring a corneal abrasion from exfoliating face wash
  • Ripping up my knee while skipping over a bridge into Kentucky
  • Breaking 2 cereal bowls, 1 plate & a bottle of teriyaki marinade (on separate occasions)
And those are just a few incidents I can name off the top of my head. So today, when the team did some additional chainsaw training with our site supervisor, I decided to take a back seat. Mind you, I enjoy some danger. Ask me to jump out of a plane, bungee jump off a 7 story platform, tour a new city with a fellow I just met at the gym, shoot your 45 caliber handgun, or ride on the back of a motorcycle—and I am down. But the idea of using a chainsaw, a chance I originally jumped at 5 months ago, now seems TOO dangerous, even for me. I'm not sure what brought me to this conclusion exactly, but I think I just recently lost some of my ballsyness in regards to operating handheld mechanical saws. Does that make me a wuss? Perhaps. But a wuss with all 4 extremities in tact. And I'd like to keep it that way for the time being. So I think I'll stick to good old bow saws and loppers for now and leave the chainsaws to my teammates.

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