It's been almost a month since my last blog post. Mostly because I just don't know what to say, and partly because my laptop was out of commission for a couple weeks. Currently I am still staying in my friends' spare bedroom. Temping at a financial asset management company downtown as an administrative assistant. Have been on sporadic dates with gentlemen callers here and there. Interviewing for jobs when I get a rare call back. Basically going where the wind blows. And I can see that everything is pretty good right now, that I'm lucky to have supportive friends and family as I try to workout my next steps. However, I can't help feeling some confusion and anxiety as I try to figure out what type of a job is the best fit, where to look for apartments, whether or not to go back to school, etc. I'm mostly worried I will take the first job offered to me, make the wrong choice and end up in a position I dislike just for the sake of a paycheck. On the flip side, if I took a job with a decent salary, I could payoff some debt, travel, save up, and make the most of it even if I didn't love the day-in/day-out routine. It seems selfish to turn down any job in this economy, and especially while I am crashing with generous friends who don't request rent.
In other news, I am currently participating in a bocce league with my friends Tyler, Kate and Lisa. It's once a week at a downtown Boston bar and is played with Nerf balls. Mostly just an excuse to hang out with friends, meet new people, and drink. haha! I've also been reading on my Kindle much more than I ever had a chance to in AmeriCorps. Hunger Games is just as good as everyone says. And I strongly suggest you check out the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin ASAP. I already thought Benny Franks was a certified badass, and this book confirmed my suspicions. Benny was responsible for the first volunteer fire company and public library. He was a statesman, printer, inventor, scientist, flexitarian, and self-made man if there ever was one. There is actually some controversy out there about Mr. Franklin and whether or not he was a womanizing drunk heathen. I prefer to believe he was a forward-thinking philanthropist, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Recently came across a statue of him in the neighborhood where he was born and was pretty excited, having just finished the book.
Anywhoo, I'm thinking my future posts will not be with much regularity. My plan is to post an update once I get a job, and then say a fond farewell to this blog that I have loved so much. I created this as a place to record my feelings and memories as I went through the NCCC process, and I feel like starting a new job would mean that my AmeriExperience had really come to a close.
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