Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Skype now... on the Interwebs.

For a person who studied television production and worked on a web team for 3 years, you would think I'd be more technology-savvy. Instead, I am like an 80-year-old man when it comes to things like Skype. Until tonight, friends. After years of my cohorts who already video chat (that would be you Kate, Nick and Yasir) prodding me to figure out how to use this program to communicate with them via the Information Super Highway, I finally reached a breaking point. While talking to Lara on the phone this evening, we kept losing the connection, and I was really wishing I could meet her new cat, view her ridiculous facial expressions, and have an online dance party. So I forced her to help me set up Skype, and then took some screen shots of the awesomeness that ensued. First we have Lara introducing me to Gatto while David eats a salad:

Then we have a classy cat butt shot.

Followed by a delivery of my favorite greeting, "foot in face," all the way from NYC.

Moral of the story? The internet is amazing and I miss my friends back home, big time.

1 comment:

  1. This is horribly embarassing and wholly amazing at the same time. Glad gatto's booty made a cameo on your bloggy. I love it and I miss youuu!!!!!
