Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kate's Big 2.6.

Happy Day of Being Sprung Violently from Your Mother's Womb to my best buddy and cohort in debauchery since 2003, Kate. You are a lady of many hats: a fabulous wife, gluten-free chef extraordinaire, budding photographer, videography maven, small business badass, blogging enthusiast, and generally awesome individual. You are a great friend and I miss you dearly, as we spend the first January 19th apart since we met. Thanks for putting up with me, and for providing years of hilarity. Love you, KDogg. Since I’m not there to give you a cake for your bday, here are pictures of you enjoying celebratory desserts in years past. Miss your face!


  1. This sugary montage is amah-zing.

    The older we get, the bigger the cakes! hmm, i'm likin this birthday thing now...

    Happy birthday beautiful lady!

  2. Oh, this post is making me so teary! I love you, and I miss you too! Thank you for being a wonderful friend...and thank you guys for all of the cake holding you have done for me over the years! Seriously, we were hot stuff back in the day.
