In other news, I was convinced to join in on a game of ultimate frisbee yesterday for the first time ever. My friend Tyler (aka T. Saint) back in Boston will be surprised to read this as he has been trying to get me to play ultimate with him since our days back at BU. Usually my fear of failing miserably at sports, mixed with being generally out of shape, causes me to decline. But I decided to give it a chance, and let me tell you – it’s hard! Requires a lot of stamina and was way more exhausting than I thought, but a ton of fun.
Unrelated, but curious afterthought: In the spirit of trying new things such as ultimate frisbee, my new friend Mike Langen who I have nicknamed Mike Cougar Langencamp (after the famed musician) introduced me to an interesting dessert today that requires filling a coffee mug with snow and then covering that snow with brown sugar. Yes, brown sugar. And it was delicious. And the snow was from outside the front door of our dorm. Food for thought.
I would never think of scooping snow from the front door of my Manhattan apt. That's called tetanus in a cup, where I'm from. HA! Love it!