Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Quick Catch-up

Lots to report and I've been slacking off on the posts this week. Here are some updates of note.

1. I'm learning how to survive on $4.50 a day's worth of groceries. Yes, it's possible. Right now I'm on a cooking team of 9 people. We weekly pool this allotted dinero, create a menu for dinners we plan to make over the next 7 days, and go food shopping as a team. When I first heard this, I was skeptical that I'd be able to pull this off since I was spending about $15 to $20 a day in Boston on lunch and dinner alone. But it actually works! I'm learning how to budget better, plan meals in advance, and cook for a diverse mix of food preferences and allergies. I made ratatoille last week!

2. We recently took a personality test called the Myers Briggs Type Indicator during training, and it turns out I'm an ENFJ: Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. After the whole team got profiled, we talked about how we can learn from our strengths and weaknesses to make us better communicators and more effective leaders. It was pretty cool.

3. A bunch of us watched the State of the Union address a couple days ago. This basically consisted of us making fun of the hilarious shots C Span chose to use of audience members looking awkward.

4. Additionally, last weekend we made another appearance at the Ron-Da-Voo during which time I was involved in a Thriller dance-off with a local that may soon appear on Facebook.

5. Our campus is connected by a series of tunnels that we use to get from our dorm to the training classrooms and gym, meaning there is basically no reason to leave the building. This afternoon I literally walked outside for the first time in 4 days.

6. Tomorrow I have physical training at 5:45AM. Do you know me? If so, you are likely aware of the fact that working out is not really my thing. And waking up at 5:30 is my personal hell. So I'm working on embracing a philosophy called "choosing my attitude."

So far so good.


  1. You know I'd be reading this! Sounds like you're having so much fun. I'm an ENTJ. Also, waking up early is really awesome once you get into it. You get so much done :) It's wonderful. Good luck D$

  2. Haha! Good to know how busy you've been! I've been thinking about you a lot lately & wondering....Your last paragraph was hillarious! Shall we schedule some 10-mile tempo runs together? Say, at 5am? ;)p Can you say, "I love you, Julie!"? hehehehehe
    Your friend above is right, though, you do get SO much done when you wake up early, but often are willing to crash for that mid-afternoon nap....ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Hugs, girl!

  3. Thanks for reading, gals!
    Waking up early for PT is definitely rough, but my goal is to get fit and be able to do 25 pushups in a minute by the end of the year. As for running 5 miles with a dang marathoner? Not sure about that one, Julie. haha I'll shoot you an email once I have a better idea of my schedule and we'll have to meet up - Iowa style. :-)
